Monday, March 7, 2016

Control the MCP4922 DAC using an Arduino MEGA2560

Control the Microchip MCP4922-E/P Digital to Analog Converter using an Arduino board.

I've been using the microchip DAC to output a +/-5V output. I used the Arduino MEGA2560 to write to the SPI bus and it worked great. The code is as follows:

//pin#  Pin Name    Mapped Pin Name
//19  PB0 ( SS/PCINT0 ) Digital pin 53 (SS)
//20  PB1 ( SCK/PCINT1 )  Digital pin 52 (SCK)
//21  PB2 ( MOSI/PCINT2 ) Digital pin 51 (MOSI)
//22  PB3 ( MISO/PCINT3 ) Digital pin 50 (MISO)

//Microchip MCP4922-E/P 
//Pin No.   Symbol  Function
//1         VDD     Supply Voltage Input (2.7V to 5.5V)
//3         CS      Chip Select Input
//4         SCK     Serial Clock Input
//5         SDI     Serial Data Input
//8         LDAC    Synchronization Input. This pin is used to transfer DAC settings (Input Registers)
//                  to the output registers (VOUT)
//9         SHDN    Hardware Shutdown Input
//10        VOUTB   DACB Output
//11        VREFB   DACB Reference Voltage Input (VSS to VDD)
//12        VSS     Ground reference point for all circuitry on the device
//13        VREFA   DACA Reference Voltage Input (VSS to VDD)
//14        VOUTA   DACA Output

// inslude the SPI library:
#include <SPI.h>

// set pin 10 and 11 as the chip select
const int nCS0 = 8;
const int nCS1 = 11;
const int nLDAC = 12;
const int nSHDN = 9;

const int GAINx1 = 1;   
const int GAINx2 = 0;    

const int Write_to_DACA = 0;
const int Write_to_DACB = 1;

const int BUF = 1;
const int nSHDown = 1;

// analog potentiometer joystick
int joystickBlue = A1;
int AnalogValue = 0;    //to store the value here

void setup() {
  pinMode(nCS0, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(nCS1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(nLDAC, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(nSHDN, OUTPUT);
//  Set shutdown pin to high
  digitalWrite(nSHDN, HIGH);

// initialize the nLDAC to high
  pinMode(nLDAC, HIGH);
  // initialize SPI:
  SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(8000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));

void loop() {
  // analog values  
      AnalogValue = analogRead(joystickBlue);
  // Write to DA
  String myBinString = String(Write_to_DACA) + String(BUF) + String(GAINx2)+ String(nSHDown) + ConvertInt2Bin12(3000);
  // Write to DB
  String myBinStringB =String(Write_to_DACB) + String(BUF) + String(GAINx2)+ String(nSHDown) + ConvertInt2Bin12(2048);
  int tempA = ConvertBin2Dec(myBinString);
  Serial.println(tempA, HEX);
  Serial.println(" ");

  int tempB = ConvertBin2Dec(myBinStringB);
  Serial.println(tempB, HEX);
  Serial.println(" ");

  digitalWrite(nCS0, LOW);    //Enable the chip U4 for X output
  digitalWrite(nCS0, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(nCS0, LOW);    
  digitalWrite(nCS0, HIGH);


void DAC_Write(int address, int value, int CSNum){
  // Do the chip select value
  if (CSNum == 0) {
    digitalWrite(nCS0, LOW);
  }else if (CSNum == 1) {
    digitalWrite(nCS1, LOW);

  //  send in the address and value via SPI:

  if (CSNum == 0) {
    digitalWrite(nCS0, HIGH);
  }else if (CSNum == 1) {
    digitalWrite(nCS1, HIGH);

void Latch_DAC_Input(){
  //toggle the nLDAC to output voltage
  digitalWrite(nLDAC, LOW);
  digitalWrite(nLDAC, HIGH);

String ConvertInt2Bin12(int Value){
  //this sub will convert any integer value to its corresponding 12 bit
  String myString = String(Value, BIN);
  int lenString = myString.length();
  for ( int i=lenString; i<12; ++i){
    myString = "0" + myString;
  return myString;

int ConvertBin2Dec(String BinData){
  //this sub will convert a 16 bit binary string to its equivalent HEX
  int LenString = BinData.length();
  double ValueDec = 1;
  int DataOut = 0;

  for ( int i = 0; i < LenString; i++){
  String MyStr =BinData.substring(LenString-i-1, LenString-i);

  if (MyStr == "0"){
    // add a zero
    //add a 2^i
    ValueDec = pow(2,(float)i) + ValueDec;


  DataOut = ValueDec;

  return DataOut;


  1. Hello, I'm working on a project using the same Arduino board and DAC, I'm still not quit sure of the hardware connections, can you please show a schematic of the connections or describe what pins go to what ports in your example..

    Many thanks

  2. first page of the data sheet my dude

  3. will this code work with the nano
